Well, folks, as some as you realize I haven't posted for quite awhile. And if you read carefully, you might have noticed that the dedication in my blog to my cat Zeus living with renal failure has sadly changed that he has passed on. I'd like to take this chance to post a memorial to my friend Zeus and to remember him for what a wonderful companion he was.
Zeus came into my life 14 years ago as a 5 year old adult cat cast aside by a couple that was divorcing and didn't want to keep him. Their decision bestowed upon me one of the finest creatures I've ever had the privilege of knowing. Zeus was one of the sweetest, gentlest, most affectionate, people oriented cats I have ever known. He wasn't comfortable unless he was on my lap, if something was interfering with him being on my lap then he would place a paw gently on me as if to reassure that he would always be by my side. He was never more than a few inches away, sitting calmly, always interested in what I was doing or ready with a quick purr or inquisitive meow.
Zeus made many life changes with me, moving to many towns in Michigan, to the warm coastal waters of Clearwater, Florida for undergrad school, back up to Michigan for vet school and finally to Houston, Texas. He saw many happy moments in my life, shared his plush coat of fur for me to bury my head in to wipe away my tears through the difficult times, and through it all remained a loyal companion, a steadfast friend, a true warm soul only a purr away. I think only those of us that have had such a wonderful bond with our animals knows what it's like to share such a relationship with a pet and will know what I'm talking about. Others may think, "it's just a cat." Everyone is entitled to think what they may, I'm so glad that I got to spend 14 years with a wonderful friend.
6 months ago Zeus was diagnosed with renal disease. This came as a horrible shock to me because I couldn't bear the idea of losing my absolute favorite cat...the idea of not having him around was unthinkable. After a week in the specialty hospital he rebounded and we were able to bring him home. We weren't sure how much time he was going to have but he gave me 6 wonderful months to enjoy with him. Enjoying my lap, sleeping every night with me, being my shadow, eating and drinking well, basking in slivers of sunshine, strolling outside with me, rolling around on the sunny concrete, nibbling new grass... After he was diagnosed, I only asked for a little bit of time to enjoy the things that I knew I would miss if he would be taken away abruptly and I was given the luxury of 6 months to completely enjoy those things knowing that I would have to say Goodbye.
His passing was peaceful, his last night was spent sleeping with me, right on my chest, he enjoyed some outside morning air and some sips of milk, however when I came home that evening from work, I knew it was time to give him his wings. My friend deserved some dignity and grace and this he now always shall have.
A month of days has now passed and day by day I am healing now, the acute pain and ache of his loss is being replaced by a warmth of his memories. However I often look to see him in his favorite spots and wish fervently that I could pick him up and hear his purr in my ear as I drift off to sleep at night just one more time. You were a wonderful friend Zeus.
Rest sweetly my handsome man....
If you have recently lost a pet or know of someone that has, I would like to personally recommend a website petloss.com that has helped me immensely through some of my hardest days with warmth, kindness and support.